Flash Competition! Who has the earliest film / photographic record of a whale shark in the Maldives? We were recently sent some footage from the 90’s of a whale shark seen in the Maldives and that got us thinking: our database extends back to 2006 when we went on our first expedition, but just how […]
Author Archives: Richard Rees
Ein Tag aus dem Leben als Volunteer auf Dhigurah, by Michael Gudel
(Scroll down for the English version) Ein Tag aus dem Leben als Volunteer auf Dhigurah Vom 29.10. – 11.11. bin ich als Volunteer im Maldives Whaleshark Research Programme im Einsatz. Neben Hardy, der gerade fuer seine Masterarbeit forscht und Basith, dem Fieldscientist, bin ich in diesem Zeitraum der einzige Volunteer im Projekt. Dieser Beitrag soll […]
MSc Placement and Research with the MWSRP, Tamlin Jefferson
My name is Tamlin, this summer, as part of my MSc studies at the University of York, I took part in a placement with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Program. Having been fascinated by sharks since I was young, the opportunity to contribute to current whale shark research was a chance I had to take. […]
The Wonderful World of Jellyfish!
Why on earth is a whale shark research organisation writing about jellyfish?! Well it’s World Jellyfish Day and it’s a little known fact that some of the team have rather a soft spot for jellies! Why? Well check out these 10 fun facts and hopefully you’ll come around too…! They’re delicious! The crown jellyfish, […]
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
As the human population continues to release more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere we have to ask ourselves, where does it all go? Unfortunately most of the CO2 released by fossil fuels is, and will continue to be, absorbed by the ocean. Over time this causes change in the oceans pH levels (known […]
MWSRP Annual Report 2016
The MWRSP 2016 Annual Report is here! The period February 1st 2016 to February 1st 2017 has been the busiest the MWSRP has ever had. The continuation of focused baseline data collection and the expansion of the Big Fish Network has led to some big improvements in understanding of these enigmatic animals. The report contains outlines of […]
‘Whale Shark Fever’, by Bridgette O’Shannessy
I am now back in my homeland after a whirlwind 4 weeks spent in the Maldives with the MWSRP team. I came into the program with an open mind and open heart as someone who has an avid interest in marine biology and research. Coming from a science education background I was fascinated by what […]
‘How do strangers become a family?’, by Nicole Lim
How do strangers become a family? As a world-traveling nomad, I’m constantly meeting new people and have come to appreciate that friends are the family you choose. But how do complete strangers become a family? In my short time with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (MWSRP), I have gained valuable insights into that question. I have experienced […]
‘My Dhigurah’, by Thibaut Rueda
Scroll down for the English translation “Il est 10 heures ce matin et cela fait un peu moins d’une semaine que je suis de retour dans ma ville natale après avoir vécu une expérience qui va probablement changer le cours de ma vie. Il m’a fallu digéré tout cela, mais mes souvenirs sont intacts et […]
El Sueño Azul/A Blue Dream, by Clara Cánovas Pérez
Scroll down for the English translation El Sueño Azul Tras un largo viaje, cuatro aviones y un barco ya me encuentro en Dhigurah. Es mi primera noche aquí y no puedo dormir. Se escucha el ruido de la lluvia caer sobre las hojas y el ruido del mar de Laquedivas. En estas aguas merodean seres […]