We’re delighted to share with you our annual review of 2018. Click on the link below to access the document.

We’re delighted to share with you our annual review of 2018. Click on the link below to access the document.
Dhigurah, a gorgeous and welcoming island in South Ari Atoll. At three kilometres long it is home to a community of just over six hundred people on land, as well as an abundance of life under the waves. From minuscule planktonic life, to the ocean giant and world’s biggest fish – the whale shark. I […]
My involvement with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme (MWSRP) began when I ventured to the Maldives to join as a volunteer in January of 2014. I was immersed in hands-on research that provided me with my first experiences with these incredible creatures called whale sharks. That first month in the Maldives introduced me […]
There from day 1, Rich is our Director and co-founder of the MWSRP (and also one of the reasons why we have such a long name). His unwavering determination and commitment to the research and protection of whale sharks is why we are here today. 1. How did you get a job with the MWSRP? […]
A new study has helped shed light on why endangered whale sharks gather on mass at just a handful of locations around the world. The new insights into the habits of the world’s largest fish will help inform conservation efforts for this mysterious species, say the researchers. Large groups of whale sharks congregate at only […]
Jim has been with the MWSRP since its inception and as our Operations Manager has quite a job making sure everyone, and everything, runs smoothly and is in the right place at the right time! 1. How did you get a job with the MWSRP? I know the founders really well! 2. Did […]
We are pleased to share this charmingly informal but informative and well researched podcast on whale sharks, which covers all the basics (and then some!) of whale shark biology, ecology and conservation! The work of (soon to be Dr.) Angie Adkin and Dr. Chris Mortensen, both affiliated with the University of Florida, this is one […]
As one of the top 5 contributors to our citizen science program the BFN, we wanted to get to know Constance Moofushi and the staff who contribute so much to our research, a little better. Mauro is a excursion guide working with the Dive centre (Blue Tribe) and Jasmine is the Marine Biologist for Constance Moofushi, […]
2017 has truly been a fantastic year! Here is a quick preview of what has happened, for the full report click here. A Year in Review 2017
Meet Basith one of our in-field coordinators! Originally from the capital island Male’, and always with a friendly smile on his face, Basith is a keen conservationist who has brought light and laughter to our team ever since he started working with us in 2017. 1. How did you get a job with the MWSRP? I got […]