MWSRP Maldives Whale Shark Presentation

Author(s): The MWSRP Team
In House MWSRP Presentation
Keywords: Whale Shark, Maldives, Guest, Presentation, Biology, Ecology, Threats, Behaviour, Feeding, Captivity, Excursion


It gives us great pleasure to share with you an update to the presentation that we at MWSRP created and use when we conduct lectures on the whale sharks of the Maldives.

Any person or organisation who would like to use this, either for their own interest or to present to their own guests is welcome to. We strongly believe that sharing data, information and materials is the best way to increase exposure for, and share our enjoyment of, this magnificent creature.

Here you will find both an open access PowerPoint presentation complete with guidance notes and background research for the speakers and also some convenient print friendly condensed speakers notes to match the slides.

In sharing this we do assume a few things will be adhered to by anyone who downloads or uses this presentation and request that you honour them. Similarly, we will not be responsible for any ramifications – legal or otherwise – for those using this presentation either as is, or modified. The points we assume are;

  • You acknowledge the MWSRP as the creators of this material
  • You maintain all copyrights, watermarks, photographer credits or link credits etc. in any version of the presentation which you use or create from it
  • You acknowledge that unless otherwise stated in the document that any materials like videos or photographs are the property of the MWSRP
  • You abide by the encounter guidelines laid out in it – which have been validated and endorsed by the relevant authorities of the Maldivian Government during any whale shark excursions which may follow this presentation

The speakers notes are attached and you can find the full presentation here.

And the speakers notes here

Enjoy and thank you for spreading the word!

The MWSRP Team

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