Meet the in-field team

Our programme has grown in the last year. We’re in the midst of exciting times as we bring on new staff from around the world with a passion for whale sharks and marine conservation. We’d like you to meet the folks that will keep the in-field research and volunteer programme operating at the highest plane yet.

They were recently asked: What are you most looking forward to during this next research period?

Katie Hindle


Hometown: Leeds, U.K.

What Katie is most looking forward to: The sharks – I can’t wait to see them. It doesn’t matter how many I’ve interacted with them, I still get the same buzz of excitement every time we spot one! I am also really looking forward to welcoming all the new volunteers – being able to share the same buzz and fantastic experiences we have every day on the boat is just brilliant. Every day is a new adventure! Together I know we will do lots of important work to continue the whale shark conservation in South Ari.

Fernando Cagua


Hometown: Bogota, Colombia

I can’t wait to work with the eclectic team of volunteers that I hope will come to share my passion for the sharks. When you put this passion, energy, and enthusiasm together science tastes better than nothing.

Check out Fernando’s website to learn more about his credentials, work, and research.

Neal Collins


Hometown: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

What Neal is most looking forward to: Seeing all these great new projects come online – the Maldivian Internship project and the management of South Ari Marine Protected Area. We are going to be hosting stakeholder workshops to ensure that S.A. MPA is a community managed area, with collective buy-in from all users of the region. Lots to look forward to.

Alissa Nagel


Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska, USA

What Alissa is most looking forward to: The opportunities to learn something new. Each time I’m out in Maldives, new people, new experiences, new sharks come into my life. I find these aspects of the work out here most rewarding and I can’t wait to see what will come.